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I dreamt of the Traum-garten, was there at magic hour
Steady shining stars
Showed me the way. And all
The rest was moving, and past and present were
In that very moment – there
Now there’s a new star
Whose dream’ll be for good. Tell me,
What’s like to be there? From waking dream to waking dream
Is it more real than here? Your soul
Becoming thought, your body – like water turning into vapour
Blossoming into the sky.
Farewell sweet prince
Ho sognato del Traum-garten, al crepuscolo vi andai
Stelle fisse fiammeggianti
Mi indicavano la via. E tutto il resto era
In movimento, e presente e passato assieme
In quel momento – li’
Ora c’e’ una nuova stella,
Il cui sogno sara’ per sempre. Dimmi
Come ci si sente? Da sogno lucido a sogno lucido
E’ piu’ reale che qui? La tua anima
Diviene pensiero, il tuo corpo – come acqua che si traforma in vapore
Germogliando in cielo.
Addio dolce principe