(click picture to enlarge)
A slumber did my spirit seal;
I had no human fears:
She seemed a thing that could not feel
The touch of earthly years.
No motion has she now, no force;
She neither hears nor sees;
Rolled round in earth's diurnal course,
With rocks, and stones, and trees.
(W. Wordsworth)
As the universe switched on I landed. Long voyage to Tumbolia. I was greeted by characters of my dreams, and of my hypnagogic allucitations, and all the secret places where I wandered alone on Sunday afternoons and I could never find, they were there. Everything glowed and everything was real. And I felt no fear, for I was their little universe. All of us is a universe, inhabited by dreams, they dwell when we’re asleep, then they suddenly dissolve, yet still they’re part of it.
Nel momento in cui l’universo si accendeva io approdavo. Lungo viaggio verso Tumbolia. Fui salutato da personaggi dei miei sogni, e delle mie allucinazioni ipnagogiche, e tutti i posti segreti in cui vagabondavo in solitudine nelle domeniche pomeriggio, essi erano li’. Tutto risplendeva, e tutto era reale. E non avevo paura, perche’ io ero il loro piccolo universo. C’e’ un universo in ognuno di noi, abitato dai nostri sogni, essi vi risiedono mentre dormiamo, poi si dissolvono all’improvviso, e pur tuttavia continuano a farne parte.
1 comment:
Hai colto un momento speciale, un attimo di fusione perfetto tra il colore del cielo e le increspature del mare. Un piccolo universo anche quello
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